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repulsion effect中文是什么意思

用"repulsion effect"造句"repulsion effect"怎么读"repulsion effect" in a sentence


  • 推斥效应


  • ( 1 ) through simulations on jtl with different parameter conditions , the new phenomenon of annihilation and passing through of voltage pulses are founded , and the conditions are obtained at the same time ; ( 2 ) the jtl ring oscillator is utilized in studying the repulsion effect of pulses on jtl , thus the bounded influence is eliminated , and precision results can obtained
    ( 2 )首次将jtl环振荡器结构应用到jtl某些传输特性的分析上来,消除了端界的影响,使分析更为精确;如对推斥效应的模拟就获得了良好的效果。推斥效应的研究使我们认识到rsfq的工作频率在某种程度上要受其效应的制约。
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